Tuesday, September 3, 2013


            I know what your thinking, A smash Book isn't really art. Well, i won't argue that with you, but i will say that i think it's an easy and fun outlet for self expression. Anyone can complete a smash book, even the most uncreative of us can make one because it guides you step by step and even gives you really col ideas for your creation. So if you see yourself as someone who could never create something fun and artistic to be proud of, please, please please check this out. it will really get that creativity flowing. 

About A New Place:Video

           Of all the murals, and paintings I have seen, I must say that this is by far my Favorite. The explosion of color is amazing in contrast to the old and dirty wall behind it. It brings a new light to the area. Once a falling apart, run down place it is now a beautiful, and awe inspiring masterpiece.
              I love how the artist creates shadows with nontraditional  Shadowing colors. The glossiness in the eyes allows the viewer to see more than just these eyes. Plus it is mind blowing All the detail that the camera will never pick up. My favorite part of the painting is the butterflies, Starting off as random blobs of paint, formed into something amazing.
              When i showed this to my sister she said that the artist was a fool for taking so long on this painting, who would ever take more than 2 hours to paint something. But if you ask me this was a better use of  8 hours than anything I've ever done. I love this painting so so much! The YouTube Account of the Artist is 'Agnescecile' She posts Videos at least once a month. Please check out some of her other videos.