Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Nose Art

Noes Art is something that soldiers started in WWII. So what is it? Well it's drawings or paintings of something on the nose of a plain. It's usually of a woman,. Simaler looking to the pin ups that were being hung in teenage boy's bedrooms back home. But the nose are was something that gave the piolets a sort of pride for their plain. It suddenly became  more than just a machine that they flew and fired from to kill people it was theirs. Nose art also served as an identifier, there were more than one occasion where plains mistaken as enemy flights but were saved from attack at last moment because the painting were noticed. Today in the US Army nose art has been banned because of the extra money for paint and because it was too difficult to come up with guidelines for the art. But i feel that this is something the government should allow. Because when you;ve seen things like a soldier has, you deserve to draw, or paint on your plain. Because you need some sort of self expression.

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